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This is the more tedious swap to do ! There are a lot of files and you have no hint for know what character is it and for what scenes (win / lose / which one, victory 1 ? 2 ? 3 ?.Files are encrypted it mean you'll need to make random swap until you find what you are looking for.When you'll find it, for an unknow reason, the character is invisible.Files aren't encrypted but you'll need time for find what files are for what scenes.I have no solution for resolve that for the moment.Problem : If you succeed to swap two files the character is invisible but the camera is well swapped.It mean you need to make some random swap until find what you are looking for.These files are encrypted (random name & no extension).Moveset are files named ingame.mpm inside Character_common.bin & Chara_initial.bin.Selection Pose are files named select.mpm inside Character_common.bin.Idle poses (when characters is waiting without move in fight) are files encrypted inside Common.bin.Story Mode animations are files named mot.mpm inside Chara_rtm.bin.Private Paradise scenes are files encrypted inside DLC 358142 -> 358142g.bin.

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Camera that follow characters during grab & selections poses are named.Since I am doing a lot of different thing I didn't continued to make more test on moveset swap so this is time for people to continu to discovers more themself and come add more discovery here if they want !

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